Nail fungus treatment with home remedies.

Home remedies are very effective in the first manifestations of onychomycosis. There are already quite a few effective drugs at the moment, but alone they cope with the disease for quite a long time.

Toenail fungus

No matter what the ads tell you, no medicine will quickly cure a fungus. This process is very long and difficult. To improve effectiveness, add home remedy fungus treatment to prescription drugs.

Home remedies for nail fungus can be a good addition to the main treatment or a standalone "medicine. "Anyway, we offer you proven home remedies for toenail fungus.

The most effective are vinegar baths, birch tar, bee products, iodine. All this fights onychomycosis well and helps to easily treat nail fungus at home.

Some homemade products can speed up the recovery of the nail plate and prevent the situation from getting worse. Remember your body's reactions and contraindications. For allergic reactions, do not use this or that product. Be patient and do your treatments regularly.

Healing baths

This method is not the main one in the treatment, it is auxiliary. Baths help eliminate leg fatigue, relieve inflammation, prepare the integument for other procedures, also protect areas from bacteria, and help painful areas recover.

These procedures can be performed in the morning and before bed, with an average duration of up to 20 minutes. Soda and salt are used primarily for procedures, but iodine, various medicinal herbs, and even berries and tubers can be added.

Potassium permanganate bath

Effective baths are obtained with the addition of potassium permanganate. In 2 liters of hot water, you need to dilute the potassium permanganate so that the color of the water turns pale pink. When all the crystals are completely dissolved, lower your feet and heat for about 15 minutes. Perform this procedure throughout the course of treatment.

Onion peel bath

Boil 300 g of onion leaves in a few liters of water. Then let it sit for a couple of hours. Such a decoction can be added to baths, and the affected areas of the hands or feet can be steamed.

Euphorbia - trays

This plant is used in medicinal baths. Pour a bunch of milkweed (the whole plant is applied) with 2-3 liters of boiling water. Wrap and leave for about two hours. Pour the hot infusion into a container, lower your feet into it for 30-40 minutes. Then treat the affected areas. Perform the procedure once every two days.


This product has a very good antimicrobial effect, it works as an antiseptic, so acetic acid methods are probably common among people.

The acidic conditions provided by vinegar prevent fungal microorganisms from growing and multiplying, destroying their habitat.

In such conditions, the spores die, leaving no other organisms that can gain resistance and relapse into the disease. You can make an ointment and a solution from it.

To prepare a bath, heat 2 liters of water and add 200 ml of acetic acid. Perform therapy until solution cools. Dry your feet. It is necessary to take baths until the mycosis is completely eliminated.

Copper sulfate against fungi

This ingredient is sold in the form of crystal stones. They contain sulfur and copper. The drug penetrates very deep into the skin, therefore it is better to use it in its natural form for nail plates. However, you can treat the fungus with it at home, on the skin, by taking baths:

Before adding copper sulfate to the water bath, dissolve it separately in a glass. Mix a tablespoon of boiling water with a tablespoon of vitriol, stir the mixture in a bath and lower your feet. After the procedure, which takes about 15 minutes, dry your feet and treat the infected areas with medication.


Many medicines used to treat yeast infections contain a chemical called urea. But with their help, you can cure the fungus at home.

Removes moisture from the infection's habitat, preventing it from developing. Without moisture, the fungus dies.

For a home procedure, mix goose grease with urea and apply to infected nails. You can remove the compress in a day and then remove the softened affected tissue. After that, cover the places with iodine for 4 days. If the case is especially neglected, you can repeat the therapy several times.


Bee products are a very effective remedy for many diseases. With a fungus, it helps to completely restore the affected areas and protect them from bacteria. One of these effective products is propolis.

Heals wounds very well and prevents the risk of reinfection. With the participation of propolis, there is also a popular method of treating nail fungus on the legs and arms.


For the preparation, dissolve 10 drops of propolis tincture in 2 liters of water. Warm your feet for 20 minutes and then dry them well. The therapy is recommended at night. Repeat the course until symptoms disappear.


You can prepare gruel from the product and apply it to the problem area. Grind the propolis on a grater and, after mixing, apply it to the sore area, wrapping it with a bandage. It is necessary to remove the compress no earlier than half an hour later. Make sure to get rid of the layer of skin or nail that the compress was on.

Egg against fungus

If your illness has shown symptoms recently, an egg can help to eliminate it permanently. Here is a way to use it.


Add 2 scoops to several separate proteins. tablespoons vinegar and vodka, mix. From such a solution, you can make lotions several times a day. Perform the procedures until the disease is completely cured.

Homemade cream with essence of egg and vinegar

To prepare the ointment you will need:

  • Chicken egg - 1 pc. ;
  • Vinegar essence - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 1 teaspoon

Preparation and application:

  • Place an egg in the glass. Fill it completely with vinegar essence.
  • Place the glass in a dark cupboard and wait for the vinegar to dissolve the rind.
  • Remove the film from the egg. Stir the vinegar, egg, and oil until the mixture looks like a creamy consistency.
  • Spread your legs. Apply the ointment on gauze and apply to the nail, wrap in cellophane and secure with a bandage.
  • The nail will start to soften and rise, cut this area.

Apply the ointment every night until a healthy nail grows.


To speed up the drug treatment process, add methods with celandine. No matter in what form, be it herb, juice or cream, celandine is effective.

Contains poisonous compounds that kill infection. However, for the same reason, check the concentration of the product used.

Squeeze the juice from the plant. Soak a small cotton swab and apply it to the sore nail. Secure with a bandage and leave for 4-5 hours. Repeat the procedure several times a day for two weeks.

Birch tar - tar soap

This product is one of the most common in the fight against fungi. It relieves inflammation well and protects the nail. Tar soap can be used to treat contaminated hand and foot surfaces.

In this way, you can treat toenail fungus and brushes. The solutions are considered good home remedies, they help to quickly get rid of symptoms:

Crush a small piece of tar soap, combine it with baking soda and a little water. Stir until frothy. A compress with such a solution can be applied to the areas of infection, wrapped in a bandage for comfort. Do the procedure several times a day.

Tea tree oil

This oil works well against inflammation and bacteria. Make sure you are not allergic to this product before using it.

  • Dip a piece of cotton wool in oil and apply it to the area affected by the fungus. Repeat the therapy for several weeks. The number of daily procedures is not limited, as the oil is completely safe for health.
  • It is useful to add oil to the trays. Approximately 20 drops of oil solution in a few liters of hot water.


It is no secret to many that salt is a good remedy for many diseases. It was not without him with the mushroom.

Sick people use both table salt and sea salt. With it, you can make baths with the addition of tea tree oil. Good for this type of disease porridge:

Mix equal amounts of salt and baking soda with a little water. Apply the resulting mixture on the infected skin or nails for 10 minutes. Then rinse and towel dry. Repeat therapy for 2 weeks.


Iodine is quite effective in treating fungi, in addition, it has disinfectant properties and accelerates healing. This method of treatment is used for at least a month, sometimes the course is extended to two months.

After several uses, you will notice that the bad smell has disappeared and other symptoms have disappeared. Even when the signs of yeast infection disappear, treatment should not be interrupted.

Main applications:

To treat affected feet, you need to buy an iodine solution with a concentration of no more than 5%. Simply apply a drop of the product to the affected area twice a day. It must also process healthy tissue that has not been affected by the fungus.

Iodine bath

Prepare an iodine bath by heating the water and adding iodine. After that, the feet are soaked in water and left for fifteen minutes. When the procedure is complete, the regrown nail and detached plate should be removed with nail scissors. Next, the affected area is lubricated with hydrogen peroxide and a bandage with an antibacterial drug is applied.

Iodine with Castellani liquid

The classic treatment regimen includes the use of liquid Castellani, this agent is first lubricated with the affected areas of the nail and skin for fourteen days, and then the iodine solution is used for two weeks. Additionally, a 9% vinegar solution is used, it is also used for fourteen days.

Garlic iodine

Garlic juice, the same amount of iodine and an antifungal agent are mixed in an opaque bottle. Approximately 10 ml of acetic acid are added to the resulting product. The finished solution is applied to the affected part of the nail plate; feet should be steamed beforehand.

Salt with iodine

Before going to bed, you should do salt and iodine baths. To do this, take about 150 grams of sea salt and a little soda for a liter of water, drip about 10 drops of iodine. When the skin is well vaporized, you can remove the affected nail area and then grind the cut with a file. Also, the entire foot is completely treated with iodine.

It is very important to consider that different tools should be used when removing the affected nail and treating healthy areas. The pliers and scissors used to remove the affected nail must be thoroughly disinfected.


For fungi, an environment containing alkaline conditions is not only unpleasant, but also destructive. Under such conditions, they cease to exist and disturb. Soda is the most affordable and economical product. In the article, we already talked about adding soda to trays and creating lotions. There is another very simple and effective method in which soda is used alone:

Add a couple of drops of water to the baking soda and stir. Apply this paste on the affected areas. After waiting for it to dry completely, rinse it under running water. The number of procedures depends on the complexity of the disease.

Prevention of the appearance of fungi

The most important thing to prevent fungus is to remember to take precautions. Hygiene, after visiting public places, has not been canceled. When you return from the pool or bath, don't be lazy and use home remedies.

Make a baking soda or tea tree oil bath. Relax and make sure your toenail or toenail fungus treatment doesn't affect you. Improve your overall health with quality nutrition, exercise, and rest.

By preventing the body from lowering its immunity and weakening, it reduces the risk of fungal diseases.